Becoming A Sage - A New Vision For & You!

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hey this is Leo for actualised dot-org and in this episode I'm going to be talking about becoming a sage the ultimate vision for your life as I'm evolving actualized gorg must evolve as well and over the last three or four years that I've been running actualized at org I've been releasing lots of content about how to improve yourself and how to self actualize and I'm still really into self actualization but I want to take it to the next level because I'm always looking for that next level vision that will inspire me to work towards my full potential and that will inspire you to work towards your full potential in life because I'm really passionate I'm always really passionate about getting the most out of life that's just been like a question that's been burning in the back of my mind since I was a kid and the stuff that I learned of last three years you know I've been doing a lot of research and the more research I do the more of a big picture understanding I see of what the hell is going on here in life in society in culture with psychology with business with politics all the pieces start to fit together and they all make sense in a very beautiful sort of way and as you start to see that picture or at least as I do um I just kind of get this muse that tells me like okay here's how I should realign what I'm doing with my work and my own life in order to get the most out of my life and so it's time to refine a little bit what actualize that work is about and the way that we're going to do that is let me try to get to explain a little bit of where I'm coming from with this so ask yourself this question what's the best life possible what's the best life possible for a human being now maybe you think that's a question that can't be answered but what I would suggest is actually that it can and it has been answered and it's been answered for thousands of years the only problem is that most human beings are in the dark about this you're not taught this school so what here's what you can do you can go and you can do the research you can read books you can study biographies you can study psychology you can ask this question of yourself for years you can read philosophy books and stuff like that and here's what you'll discover you'll discover that the greatest human beings who ever lived were not entrepreneurs they were not celebrities they were not athletes they were not political leaders they weren't CEOs they were not engineers nor academics nor scientists nor artists nor self-help teachers they were sages and mystics these are the greatest human beings who ever lived and I'm not using the word great here in the sort of social sense we say oh yeah that's great as though that person has a lot of status like a celebrity all he's really great he's amazing because he's Tom Cruise or something no not like that what I mean is great in the sense of who gets the most juice out of life that's the question that's really well it should be at the at the top of the list of questions we ask in life right how do you get the most juice out of life I mean we're born we're not even sure how we're born what we're born into what the hell is this thing here we are it seems like this is a fleeting phenomenon this thing we called life if so if I only have this one life then I better make the best use of it um and if that's the case what is the best use of this one life becoming a sage and that's the purpose that I want to orient actualised work to not just self-help not just self-actualization although that's a beautiful concept and for most people that would be transforming but even more than that to become a sage and I want actualize that org to be a how to become a sage channel or how to become a sage website where basically I provide you with sort of resources for how to become a sage because that's an interesting question once you decide on this idea that I want to become a sage then it's like well damn that's that's a pretty tall order to fill how do I fill those shoes what's the process there and believe it not you can study this you can study how to become a sage and then you can do it what's crazy though is that as kids you know as kids we're presented with choices like what do you want to be when you grow up well I want to be like a firefighter a doctor an astronaut this sort of stuff right but nobody ever presents you the option as a kid to become a sage man what I wouldn't give to have been presented that option when I was like 5 years old I didn't even know that that was a possibility and really I only found out it was a possibility just a few years ago from doing lots of research and I think that most people don't know but if more people did know I think they would really be on board because it's an amazing vision what I want to do here is I want to share with you the vision of what being a sage is all about and what it means to be a sage but as far as actual eyes that are goes I really wanted to sort of be like sage University if you wanted to become a sage where would you go well basically most sage is how do they do it they just figure it out by themselves they kind of stumble through it or they find a guru or whatever you know yeah you can you can find people out there who will sort of teach you but it's really hard to like pick up a book that tells you here's the steps you have to follow to become a sage here's have to think here's have to talk here's have to walk here's what you have to eat and so forth but it's funny you could write a book like that um I don't know how many people would buy it though because most people don't even have the notion that becoming a sage is something that's worthwhile to pursue and also you know become this age isn't easy it's hard work so if we do the hard work to become a sage why are we doing it well probably because there's some sort of big payoff on the end right and I'll talk about what that is so actualize that org is going to be sort of like sage University and kind of I just want a catalog like I'm interested in cataloging all the conceptual frameworks and models and techniques and methods that are necessary to become a sage and since I'm doing this for myself since I've discovered this so the reason I share this with you is because basically I've this what I decided on in my own life is that I'm becoming a sage um and so that's what I'm after and now I'm trying to document that I wish I could just have like a camera following me around everywhere I go and sit inside my head and then you could just get a feed from that and watch it and like okay yeah this is this is the process right because I think that um you know sages have been being made for thousands of years but no one has really documented the process of making a sage or at least you know it's little known about and even if there are techniques and methods and stuff from the past it tends not to resonate with modern-day people we tend to think like well sages sages existed 2,000 years ago it's like they don't they don't exist now that's not possible these days is it um and yeah it certainly is certainly is so let's backtrack a little bit and talk about what it really means to be a sage what does this word mean I'm going to use the word sage and mystic here interchangeably even though we could split hairs and maybe in the future all go in and distinguish these two but for now sage / mystics sort of the same thing for me so we can take a look at the history books and we see people like the Buddha Christ Heraclitus Socrates Mahavira Piero Marcus Aurelius epictetus Diogenes Confucius Shuang Hsu rumi Yogananda Gandhi and here now we're starting to get into the more modern stages so you can see we have the ancient ones from thousands years ago we also have more modern ones that are just like a hundred years old you know like Gandhi Robin of Maharshi nisargadatta and then we have the really modern ones which are still alive like the Dalai Lama Osho Osho is not alive anymore but he died like in the early 90s fairly recent Sadhguru is a favorite modern state of mine Ravi Ravi Shankar Ken Wilber I consider sort of a stage Peter Ralston I consider a modern sage and I mean this list could be a lot more exhaustive this is just the tip of the iceberg but many of these names you probably don't even know haven't even heard of you need to go research them and I encourage you to go read and research about these sorts of people it's inspiring because if you are going to be becoming a sage while you want to take a look at what do these people really do how do they live how were they different than the average person it's not a matter of success it's not a matter of achievement that's not what makes these people great it's a quality of self mastery I would say I mean there's more to it than just that but if we just kind of gloss it over it be something long lines of self mastery I've actually been very fortunate to meet uh some modern sages that are alive right now and I've been really blown away and inspired by the kind of life that they live not because their life is flashy and the average person would look at this sage and say oh well what's the big deal so what does pert this this is your person who you say I should emulate that's because you're looking at the surface right and the real juice in life has gotten on the inside and it's really hard to gauge someone from the inside but when you do if you ever are lucky enough to encounter a modern sage uh you'll get it like you'll just instantly get it they have a way of speaking a way of thinking a way of relating with you that's just completely different than the average human being and it's a subtle thing it's an ethereal thing it's hard to pin down what that is you sort of have to have this intuitive radar inside you to see the other person to say yeah that's the real deal that guy right there is the real deal and that's just amazing how did he do that how can I do that what would it be like if my life was like that why wasn't I living my life that way from the very beginning and why didn't my parents teach me this and why didn't my teachers teach me this why did my professors teach me this why didn't my Kawai is nobody in society talking about this and I mean they are to be fair they are a lot of it is talked about in religion the problem is that religious distorts it and actually turns a turns the virtues of a sage upside down inside out which is you know one of the problems because religion originally its aim was supposed to be to deliver these teachings to you the problem is of course that once the ego gets hold of religion and of these teachings it goes downhill real fast yeah I've just been blown away by some of these people that I've met just absolutely blown away when you meet a person like this you get the sense that this is a true master not of any technical skill or a technical art not a meditation master that's not what I'm talking about just like a true master of being human of being an excellent human being a master of that a master of understanding reality in life and it's deeply inspiring deeply and you can see in this person that this person is actually able to enjoy life as it is they're able to enjoy life to really enjoy life and that this is really what um being a human is all about and yet we're so disconnected from this if we're the average human being some of the key qualities that I see in such sages are a commitment to truth with a capital T a commitment to consciousness to goodness and to love and a deep mastery of these things to the point where it's embodied effortlessly they're not trying at it it's embodied effortlessly and I also see within them a radical turning inward radical turning in work to completely transform themselves from the inside out and when you see the fruits of that transformation it can be subtle but also shocking on the surface they look very normal they don't have a halo around them or anything like that but also you can quickly see that there's nothing normal about it there's nothing normal about their relationships or about their were their relationship to to society or how they think about themselves or how they communicate and this here goes way beyond just enlightenment you might think like well Lea aren't you just talking more about enlightenment if I get enlightened this is what I'll have no no you won't there's a big difference between being enlightened having one or two enlightenment experiences and being a sage proper a masterful sage big difference so that's something we'll talk about more in the future uh for now let me share my vision with you of what I want you to kind of focus on if you want I'm not saying you have to do this this is just something that I think you would want if you knew about it becoming what I envision as the modern mystic sage what does that mean exactly that means basically we're taking Eastern non-duality and we're pairing that with a source sort of like ancient Western Greek philosopher so take like the Zen master yogi from the East paired with an ancient Greek philosopher from the West combine them together maybe with a little bit of - of scientist and a - of artists thrown in there and now you've got this kind of like Renaissance man Renaissance woman and this person is both a master of consciousness but also has a very vast and deep conceptual understanding - I see sometimes people swing the pendulum too much in one direction or the next so it's like some people are overly intellectual to the point of being closed off to awareness and consciousness those are like the academics and scientists on the other end of the spectrum you have these people who are the New Agers who are really into consciousness and stuff like that but then aren't really grounded and don't have much conceptual knowledge and they somehow see that as being a hindrance or spirituality no really what you want is you want both you want to be a union of left brain and right brain and you want to do this in such a way where you don't go live off in a cave but more likely what you do is you will apply this mastery of yourself and understanding the world to real world problems so you're in the world you're living in the world you're part of the world and you're also highly creative and productive because one of the fruits of mastering yourself is that you also master your own creativity and you master all the blocks that you have to unleashing your full creativity and all the blocks you have towards being productive so those become more and more effortless for you and they become more more magical and more fulfilling so that's kind of my vision for you now it's also important to Singlish what a sage is not don't confuse this a sage is not a cold smart-aleck intellectual or academic who just lives in theory land and just studies a bunch of stuff and knows a bunch of stuff but then has no knowledge of himself his emotions no mastery of relationships no mastery of of his body his energy and all the sort of stuff there's a big difference there and also um a sage is not an ideological Crusader sometimes I run into these sorts of people like they call them they like to call themselves skeptics or rationalists or libertarians or whatever and they're there on some sort of ideological crusade to convert the world to their point of view whatever it happens to be and there they also seem to be intellectual right so they like to intellectualize a lot and so in practice the end of being stuck in their own head and then this sort of ideological crusade actually is a pretty ugly thing when you look at it doesn't have much compassion love or really understanding and it shows little self mastery these people are mostly oriented outwards at converting others rather than really looking inwards in themselves there's no radical turning inward in these people not really so at this point you might wonder well leo okay how do I become a sage let's say I buy into this vision how here we have to be a little careful because the vision is more important than how this is always the case with a big ambitious vision when you have a giant ambitious vision you don't know the how imagine a kid who's like seven years old and he tells you you know daddy I want to be a an astronaut and then you ask him well how how are you going to become an astronaut that would be the wrong question right because it's not important for the kid to know the technical steps of how to become an astronaut right now what's important is for him to have the vision or you know maybe if astronaut sounds too far-fetched yeah maybe he wants to be a doctor so and then if if he asked okay so I want to be a neurosurgeon how do I become a neurosurgeon what would you tell him well you could give him a very rough outline you could say okay so if you really want to be a nurse or here's how it's gonna work you're gonna go finish elementary school then middle school make sure you're doing good in your academics because when you get into high school you really want to ace all your tests and all the hard classes get a really good portfolio and resume sort of going so that you can get accepted to a nice university go to the best university you can do you know undergrad get into medical school do six eight years of medical school then do your rounds as a doctor then get an official position in a hospital then maybe take some more classes and stuff and go to these seminars and learn this and read all the technical journals study all this stuff learn all the medicine learn all the surgery techniques practice on cadavers and stuff and then finally you become a neurosurgeon now there's even that I mean that's helpful to know right that's a broad outline but that's still so generic it's gonna be hard for you to use that to really become a neurosurgeon you ultimately are gonna have to figure out every single technical step and there might be 10,000 technical steps Brad to become a neurosurgeon so that's the same kind of approach you want to take here with the how to become a sage don't turn it into simplistic of a of a question this is really what I want to be talking about for hundreds of hours going forward with all my work and all my content is how to do this I want to be sharing techniques and resources and intellectual understanding that you need and um sharing stories of other sages and stuff that I doing in my life and so forth it's like so through that you will understand the how okay but what's more important than knowing the how is the vision don't underestimate how powerful a strong juicy vision is for moving you towards something if you have a strong enough vision and you're committed to it the how will solve itself people with a weak wobbly vision need a lot of reassurance that the how is practical and realistic and it'll actually work they need a lot of guarantees they need a one two three step formula for how to do everything people with a strong vision will motivate themselves and they will find a way and they are the ones who are going to succeed so if serious about this I encourage you to first start by working on deepening your vision for this of why this is important to you what this could mean for your life why you want this consider all the other possible alternatives and then drill it into your mind but let me give you a broad outline of the how anyways because I know you're curious firstly you're going to want to set your top value as truth because that's fundamentally what a mystic or a sage is about truth and understanding its truth for truths sake not truth as a tool towards something you see truth for truth sake you have to be curious really curious about the truth even at great cost and inconvenience to you so that if you're presented with a choice like well should I go out tonight and party with my friends and maybe get laid or should I sit home and maybe meditate to find out what's true you choose to meditate rather than go out party of your friends and get laid the only way you can make that choice is when you really want truth rather than sex or fun or something else see so that's important also a radical turning inward as I've said is necessary so this requires a rejection of culture and society freeing yourself of materialism which is I mean you're you're knee-deep in materialism maybe even neck deep in materialism based off our modern culture and society and you have to free yourself of all that in order to become a successful sage and then really what begins is the bulk of the work which is the purification of your body your mind your emotions and your habits the spiritual purification of your body mind emotions and habits that's the bulk of spirituality true spirituality that's the bulk of consciousness work it's not having an Enlightenment experience having a few enlightenment experiences is not the hard part that's actually the easy part the hard part is then taking that insight or that understanding that you have during one of these and you know in alignment experiences and then embodying it and living it in your everyday life in your relationships and your career with your family with your children with with your nutrition with your fitness with all this stuff right that is the process of spiritual purification that takes decades takes decades and to really become a master of that is to become the sage to have mastered that process I mean it's an ongoing process it'll continue for the rest of your life but after a few decades if you do it properly you will reach a point of mastery you know 10,000 hour rule sort of thing well that applies here you're not going to do it with just one or two enlightened experiences you're not going to do it that way also as your attica turning inwards you're developing a strong energy body what does this mean this is a super important concept which I'll cover separately in it I'll cover separately in another episode but developing a strong energy body basically means that you can take emotions that are sort of coming at you from the outside and then you can you can take them and I'm especially talking about negative emotions here you can take a strong negative emotion that's coming from the outside and you can Alka Mize it and convert it and just kind of like it moves through you as if you were made out of like a cloud of gas you become imperturbable and impenetrable not in the sense that you reject or deny emotions or that you're unemotional no you've got plenty of emotions you feel emotions more than most people do but you have developed such a strong energy body that for example when someone says something mean about you or someone unfairly does something cute like like steals your car or you know hurts you in some way or maybe steal something from you or you know divorces you something like that that would really sting or someone close to you like a friend of yours dies that would really stink but your energy body is so strong that you can take that on and you can actually convert it transmute it into love and truth and you can embody and you can feed off of that that's one of the hallmarks of a true master in this domain is that they're able to do that that really shows your mastery because that's not something that happens on the level of understanding or intellect but that happens on the level of your entire body and how energy flows through your whole body I'll talk more about energy in the future also what's required is massive theoretical learning Oh show one of the sages on my list is reported to have read over a hundred and fifty thousand books sometimes you start to study about enlightenment and it's like all enlightenment and lightness tells us that thinking is wrong thinking is bad and all conceptual knowledge is false all beliefs are false it's not true all of it is illusion so books are stupid I shouldn't read books anymore I shouldn't watch videos any Martian learn anymore I should just sit and meditate and that's the only truth ah this is a really misguided notion of non-duality that's not what true non-duality is about Osho is right over 150,000 books so I think that um you could stand to benefit from reading a few more books in fact you're not going to succeed at becoming a sage without having a very strong theoretical foundation of understanding what the path is what the challenges are you're gonna have to read and study biography and history and philosophy and psychology and this is it I encourage you to to study and read and master all that because you want to develop the biggest understanding possible um actually not even because it's necessary but because you as a sage your top value is truth and understanding so what you're after is you're after a deeper understanding and you know what enlightenment it reveal everything to you there's much more understanding to be had beyond enlightenment also you're going to need to seek uncommon knowledge to become a successful sage uh you have to sift through a lot of [ __ ] knowledge to find they're really juicy tidbits and that's what I've been doing lately over the last three years I've been sifting through a lot of stuff a lot of is great but some of it you know isn't that relevant to me becoming a say just off the highest wisdom and that requires a sifting process you know thousands of hours of of listening and reading and note-taking and all this sort of stuff this is necessary but the difference is that you're not doing it like an academic who's just like learning and filling his head with ideas and theories that are ungrounded but the emphasis here is on application so everything you're learning you're you're seeing how does this help me to master myself to raise my consciousness to embody love and truth more in my life also raising of awareness is going to be necessary so you need in your getting meditation habit probably multiple meditation habits are going to learn many different meditation techniques self inquiry contemplation techniques are going to do a lot of that that's kind of your bread and butter as a sage and not just about what you are and who you are but about many other things what life is what people are what animals are what sentience is what language is what truth is what falsehood is what illusion is what society is what politics is what human beings are these are all questions for you to ponder for many many many many many hours to get to the real bottom of them to really understand them also exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness will be very important for the sage this is one of the things that distinguishes a sage from an academic or an intellectual and academic or intellectual is just operating on the same level of consciousness just ordinary consciousness he's just feeling ordinary consciousness with a bunch of facts and experiments scientific experiments uh that's leaving out the entire domain of non ordinances of consciousness right this is stuff you can experience through psychedelics through special breathing techniques through meditation techniques through contemplation techniques and so forth however you want to do it it's important that you do do it so that you realize that this ordinary state of consciousness waking state of consciousness that this is um this is one of many many many different states of consciousness that are possible and not the highest by any means also being creative is important I think for a sage listening to that music side of you and then living that out and not just being someone who knows a bunch of stuff but who's creative who's using that to some positive benefit for the world however that will manifest for you you know whatever your favorite method is and I have a whole course my life purpose course which specifically addresses how do you be creative in the way that's most meaningful to you and how do you turn that into a career that's a deep topic also to become a sage you have to be a big-picture thinker a holistic thinker that's another thing that distinguishes a sage and a mystic let's say from an academic or scientist an academic recite is concerned with one little narrow field and they try to master that in a very technical way but they don't really connect that field to all the neighboring fields and then to larger life they don't really have a big working understanding of life just their little field the opposite is true for the sage also you're going to need to develop unconditional love and compassion indiscriminate love and compassion compassion for human suffering this is a very important thing otherwise you're not really a masterful sage one of the things I heard on my forum just today someone would put a topic up there and said something like oh yeah you know I've been pursuing this enlightenment stuff and raising my consciousness and now I've realized it's all an illusion it's all a [ __ ] dream life is just a [ __ ] illusion you know [ __ ] this let it burn to hell I don't care anymore don't give a [ __ ] now I just I'm just I'm walking around and being obnoxious to my family because I don't give a [ __ ] about anything anymore no no no no that is a newbie trap on this path that's not what I'm talking about that shows an utter lack of consciousness and a lack of self mastery you could have a little bit of awareness but we're talking now to be a sage you know we're talking about orders of magnitude more awareness to the point where you really have deep compassion for the suffering of others you have a deep understanding for how all the aspects of life work and you don't get triggered by them you don't get angry at them you don't criticize them you're not ideological about them you're actually embodying and you're taking all of it in as you and you're developing indiscriminate love for reality that's a very difficult thing to do I hope you can appreciate how difficult that is going to take a lot more than a little bit of meditating or a few enlightenment experiences to get there and lastly I would say to become a sage you're going to probably want to help others raise their awareness as well that's going to somehow figure into your life purpose one way or another um but don't take that to mean just the very obvious ways in which where awareness can be raised like I'm not saying that you're having to have to now become a meditation teacher or a Zen master or a someone like me we know shoots videos for a living or something no those are like the most obvious ways to help raise awareness there are millions of ways to raise awareness and to help people develop consciousness you could do it in technology you can do it in the medical field you can do it in entertainment you can do it with comedy you can do it with art you can do it with science I mean there's no end to it in fact one of the greatest challenges that we face in the 21st century is nowadays we have a lot of fields from history to philosophy to science to medicine to politics to all this stuff to art but there's a lot of lack of consciousness in all these fields take a look any field give me any field and I'll point out the huge gaping lack of consciousness in that field from art to entertainment to politics to science to history to all of it right we are intellectually far more developed than we are spiritually or emotionally developed as human beings and this might lead to the entire radication the human race maybe or even the entire planet who knows they can get pretty bad so the the world is at a point where we really need people to infuse all these different fields and careers and businesses with a lot of consciousness and awareness that presents opportunity for you so that's the broad outline of how to become a sage now that's the vision now this vision isn't for everybody even though from my point of view I think that if you forced people to become sages once they did become sages they would look back and say oh my god I'm so glad that you forced me to become a sage because my life is like incomparably better than it would have otherwise been no matter what I did but of course you know we can't do that we don't want to really do that this is something that you have to want to do you have to be excited about this this has to be like a calling for you and you know I know that it's not for everybody this is a narrowing of actualize I work a specialization of actualize that organ eating right so for those people who really want to become sages you'll find some amazing content here in the future and for those who don't you'll still find useful content but also it will probably be a little less maybe practical than you were otherwise hoping for then you might want to turn to some regular self-help advice that's what stuff and that's fine you know different people have different desires different values different genetics different upbringing so we have to account that some people don't want to be sages but for those who do I think that there's a lack of resources out there when you agree I mean you don't like turn on the TV in the morning it's like hey how to become a sage here's a commercial become a sage just order this product or go to this store and you'll become a sage we'll show you how no right it's unthinkable it's funny it's unthinkable and yet that's what society should be like if you think about it what's just society be you're born and then it's like every [ __ ] thing you do you go to the store you go to the supermarket you go meet your friends really it should all be about like here let me help you to become a sage we should all be becoming sages together that would be the most amazing life but life doesn't work that way does it now let me address a couple of questions and objections so one might be Leo but what about your life purpose course so you're talking about becoming a sage and it seems like this is now better than the life purpose thing what do I do with my life I just found my life purpose or I'm thinking about taking your course and now it seems like all that is called into question no not really don't take becoming a sage or enlightenment as stopping you from having a life purpose that would be failing to really embrace the paradox of it yes enlightenment tells you that there is no purpose to life and that it's an illusion but you know what take a look at the most enlightened people they are also the most life Purpose Driven people ever ever take a look at Buddha take a look at Jesus take a look at Gandhi take a look at him Oh show you know these people are very driven people very passionate people their life is their work and their work is their life so here's what I would say to you if you're considering life purpose course or if you're already taking it or if you already took in it here's how to reconcile this little paradox the life purpose course is helping you to find your career and the way in which you want to be creative that's a good thing find that you don't want to be enlightened working at a 7-eleven all right because that's otherwise what you'll have you'll be enlightened at 7:11 um you don't want that you want to be enlightened and doing creative artistic stuff that you love to do self expressing and getting paid for it this vision I'm presenting to you here about becoming a sage what this is about is sort of like your personal purpose so think of it as having you have a career purpose than a personal purpose your personal purpose is that even if you didn't work a day in your life ever again you would still have the aim of becoming a sage and self actualizing and self mastery basically but given that you probably will be working for thousands and thousands of hours in your life you probably want to make that work nice and meaningful to you rather than just working at a 7-eleven so if you want to do that well check out the life purpose course that's what that's for right so there's no real contradiction here the contradiction is on the surface believe it or not it's possible that all of life is an illusion but you still have a purpose because you create the purpose the purpose is not something that's inherently true the purpose is something you construct okay it's a construction now just because it's a construction doesn't mean it shouldn't be constructed if it if it you know floats your boat if it tickles you if you enjoy it then do it that's all the reason you need it doesn't need to be true in some sort of existential sense for you to do it the next objection is but leo all of this is an illusion this is an illusion so how can you be talking about becoming a sage isn't that all just illusion more illusion Lyman tells us that all this stuff is ilusory we shouldn't be pursuing spirituality like this because that's just part of the egos thing you know it's spiritually enough don't get this wrong don't get this wrong to master yourself to become fully conscious of everything that's possible as truth to become a sage or a mystic you need to take this enterprise very [ __ ] seriously this is not a joke the people who are the most advanced stages and mystics they have devoted their entire lives to this and you think they did this what on a [ __ ] whim you think they just said oh it's just yeah it's all an illusion so I'm just gonna sit back and do what I'm going to [ __ ] eat Oreos while watching cartoons you think that's what they did no they were very [ __ ] serious about it against one of the paradoxes of it right is that you're very [ __ ] serious about self mastery even though you realize that it actually in a sense is part of the illusion but you need that you need a temporary objective right your objectives will change on this path a lot but you need something to get you motivated inspired in the first place because without this vision what are you going to do I'll tell you what you're going to do you're going to do nothing you're going to do exactly what you've been [ __ ] doing for the last 20 years of your life which is basically just pissing your life away diddling around with your family your friends and your co-workers doing [ __ ] work eating [ __ ] food watching [ __ ] media entertainment and contributing to a [ __ ] culture that's what you're going to get if you don't take some radical action so if you have to use a little bit of allusion to combat the greater illusion then [ __ ] do it yeah you're in the matrix and now you're starting to change the matrix that's what great sages have always done even though while they do that they realize that the matrix is the matrix and that ultimately doesn't really matter one way or another and yet they still have this sense of purpose and they are still very goal-oriented about their spirituality that's important not to get wrong because otherwise you're not going anywhere you're going to have what you have now and you ain't going to be spiritual you're going to be [ __ ] materialistic and very unwise and you're going to suffer for it all right so that's my ranting about that now let me sum up by just talking about what all this means for actualized org content going forward in the future so here's what it means it means deeper topics it means meta topics topics about topics topics about how to learn on topics about how to understand topic topics about how to think it means bigger picture thinking topics it means um connecting more diverse dots what I really want actually eyes that work to be is to bring in many perspectives from many different fields not just traditional self-help I want to bring in philosophy history science and all this other kind of stuff right there's so many interesting fields to bring in I really want to take a look more at personal growth from a historical perspective I think there's a lot to learn there it's going to be this is going to mean that the top is going to be more abstract and more philosophical in nature and on the surface they'll seem less practical there's going to be less hand-holding less of me saying okay now you should do a b c d e f g and now you got your result less of that because that's the trade-off when topics are bigger picture they're more abstract fact there's less room and time for hand-holding that means more initiative and intelligence and effort is required on your part to then take the abstract stuff to get the understanding from it and then to piece together a plan for how to enact it and embody it in your life it also means more focused on understanding me teaching you understanding versus me teaching you success most self-help focuses on teaching you success because that's what sells results in success but understanding is more powerful because when you have understanding now you have the flexibility to create or manipulate reality in whatever way you want whereas of all your afters success you can get success in a limited field but then you're still not fulfilled by it you're still really chasing your own tail in life you still don't see the bigger picture of reality and why fulfillment doesn't come from success you're still stuck in materialism you haven't really turned inward it also means a longer time horizon is required from you which means you can't think of the self-actualization thing as like oh yeah I'll do it for a few weeks or three months I'll get some results and that's it no no it's like I'm investing 10 20 years into the future by putting in the labor the time the investment reading the books going to seminars meditating doing all this stuff you know you got to have a long time horizon here you're making a big investment to get a big payoff but not next year but maybe in five or ten years that requires wisdom on your part because most people the way they invest is a stupid sort of investments like all invest now only if I'm guaranteed a return tomorrow and with that kind of investing strategy you're never going to earn a lot also this means that topics will be more spiritually oriented less materialistically oriented of course they're going to be more advanced and more nuanced less mainstream and more niche now um don't get too excited or too worried because this is not going to change overnight I'm kind of outlining a plan again I have a long time horizon for what I want to do with actual eyes that work so this would be a gradual transition that you will see me making over the next six months over the next twelve months because honestly in my life I mean becoming a sage is what there's like there's no alternative what's the [ __ ] alternate what else you gonna do name me one other thing that's more worthwhile to do with your life what I'm at the point where I've studied enough stuff I've seen enough stuff I understand psychology enough that I can see that there's no really um better alternative so this is the way it has to be for me and for my content right and my content has to be a reflection of what I know and what I'm studying myself because honestly there's [ __ ] that I could talk about that I would have talked about a year or even two years ago I could have talked about some topic but I can't talk about it anymore it's like still on my to-do list but now I have to cross it off and not talk about it because it's like I've outgrown that there's like bigger things that have come to the forefront because I've put many of the puzzle pieces together I can kind of get a sense of the big picture of what's happening here right and I'm excited to help you to get that kind of big picture yourself so that you don't need me or anybody else telling you what to do so you're self-sufficient and you can sort of figure this stuff out for yourself you don't have to learn you know how to learn how to learn all this stuff that you don't know to figure this out and to become a sage alright that's it I'm signing off if you like this idea post me a comment down below um with whether you want to take this on as a vision I'm still testing the waters here I don't really know how many of you are into becoming sages or not maybe this is something that's like nobody [ __ ] wants this and then maybe I'll have to change my mind about it but I think we'll give this a shot so yeah click the like button for me post your comments down below share this up with a friend and come check out actualize that order right here my website sign up to the newsletter stay tuned for more videos in the future about how to become a sage and we're going to really break it down into many many interesting really profound insights about how life works how reality works your role in all that and then how to master yourself so that you can get the most juice out of life all right stay tuned for more and I'll see you soon you